About BlueSky Lisa

Insight I Influence I Impact I Inspire

In a 360 Reach survey more than 85 % of respondents described Lisa as "Inspiring".   

Lisa Sennhauser-Kelly, an Australian living in Zurich, Switzerland,   is a highly accredited coach.   

Lisa has previously enjoyed a distinguished career as a senior finance professional across Australia, Europe, and North America. She has demonstrated a proven ability to influence and impact complex global organizations. This success led to her promotion to Executive Director and Managing Director at UBS, and later to her role as CFO of Equatex Global Financial Services, a UBS spin-off acquired by private equity.

Lisa's extensive leadership experience lends significant credibility to her executive coaching, as reflected in the testimonials on the following pages. Her main strength as an executive coach is her ability to identify motivational drivers, enabling her to transform individuals and their organizations to facilitate growth.

Lisa is the creator of the LIVE Coaching Model during her initial coach training in 2012 and used it successfully since then in more than 2500 hours of coaching professionals.


ICF Switzerland PODCAST "My Journey to Coaching April 2021"

Interview with ICF Switzerland "Coach in the Spotlight October 2020" 

Marshall Goldsmith Certificate Executive Coach Certificate
BlueSky Lisa Executive coach Image, Lisa Sennhauser-Kelly Executive Coach Image
International Coach Federation ICF

An Aussie,  Lisa lives with her Swiss husband and two children in Zurich.   Lisa is passionate about coaching leaders to thrive at work and in life. The coaching is in English or (Swiss) German, in person in Zurich or online.